Monday 10 December 2012

The morality of the Prophet Muhammad

If there are clothes torn,
Messenger patch alone without telling his wife.
He also milking goats
for both the family and for sale.
Every time she came to the house,
when seen no food ready to cook to eat,
sire smile dawning sleeves
to help his wife in the kitchen.
Sayidatina 'A'ishah reported:
"If the Prophet was in the house,
He always helped affairs of the household.
If you hear the call to prayer,
He quickly went to the mosque,
and hurry back after finished the prayers. "
Ever the king came home in the morning.
Surely the king very hungry at that time.
 But he saw nothing whatever was for breakfast.
Its crude was not there because Sayidatina 'Aisha to the market yet. So the Prophet said,
 "No breakfast Khumaira ya?"
(Khumaira is affectionately calls for Sayidatina 'Aisha which means' O 'reddish')
Aisha replied rather awry,
"There's nothing Messenger of Allah."
Prophet then said,
"Then I just fast today."
without the slightest resentment reflected in his face.
Ever the king said,
"Best of both men is the most kind and gentle towards his wife."
Concerned, patient and tawadhuknya king as
 head of the family.
At one point the king became a priest in prayer. Judging by his friend, the king movement between the pillars of the pillars to another is a difficult one. And they heard the sound of menggerutup as if the joints in the body of the noble king was shifted between each other.
Hadrat Umar who can not stand to see the state of the king's
immediately asked after praying:
"O Messenger of Allah, we look as if the hosts suffered a very severe, sir sakitkah O Messenger of Allah?"
"No, O Umar. Alhamdulillah, I'm healthy and fresh"
"O Messenger of Allah ... why every time the hosts move your body,
we heard as if the joints in the body rub sir?
We're sure you're sick ... "
Umar urged anxiously.
Finally, the Prophet lifted his robe.
The friend was very surprised. King a flat belly, looked dililiti piece of cloth containing gravel, create withstand hunger. Small stones that are causing subtle sounds whenever the king's body motionless.
"O Messenger of Allah! There when host states hungry and had no food, we will not get it for sir?"
Then the king answered softly,
"Not the best friend. I know, you would sacrifice anything for the sake of Rasulmu. But what I will stand accountable before GOD later, when I was a leader, be a burden to the people? '"Let GOD hunger as a gift for me, so that one day my people no hunger in the world is even more hungry in the Hereafter no later . "
Majesty had no taste at all awkward to eat
next to an old man
full of mange, poor and dirty.
Just shut up and be patient
when his Rida 'fabric direntap rudely by an Arab Badwi up the red scar on her neck.
And with a sense of servanthood
king washing place
Badwi who urinated in the mosque
before gently rebuked the deed.
Her passion is high on GOD Almighty
and a sense of servitude within the Messenger of Allah
ketuanan feeling rejected altogether.
As if the glory of the grace of GOD
not be cause to feel better than others,
when in public and in keseorangan.
When the door was opened Heaven,
as possible to the king,
king still stands at times lonely night,
 pray continually,
until the king had fallen,
because her legs were so swollen.
Physical've not been able to bear
kemahuan soul is high.
When asked by Sayidatina 'Aisha,
"O Messenger of God, do not you have secured Heaven Why are you still struggling like this?"
Replied the king with a soft,
"O 'A'isha, did not I am only a servant? Actually I wanted to be a grateful servant."
Prophet s. a. w. said,
"Convey my message even if a piece of verse"